Thursday, September 4, 2014


I liked the video. My eyes were opened to how expansive Helvetica is as a font, and how versatile it is. I found that making a typeface is not an easy process, and that to make a good one, it requires a lot of work. I found that there are good looking typefaces, and bad looking typefaces, and Helvetica has become some kind of a standard as to how one looks, when compared to Helvetica. I learned about the ability to convey a message a typeface has, and how a good typeface can be a very bad conveyor of that message, even if it would convey a different message well. The idea of a typeface having so much influence over the piece of graphic design showed me that one must be very selective about what typeface they use and when they use it. 

I've found that personally, Helvetica is a bad font for large groups of words, such as a paragraph, but for a few words in an ad or album cover, it works very well. 

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