Monday, December 8, 2014


1. Where have you seen murals in Holland or West Michigan? Be specific...
I've seen murals downtown Holland on the side of the Armory and VeloCity, as well as in the South Shore area near Jackie's, Repcolite, and Ladder Plex. There is also one downtown GR across from Kendall.

2. What makes for a good mural? 

A good mural has a very strong theme and clear graphics. The colors don't clash, and it adds to the quality of the building.

3. If you were to design a mural, what would be important to keep in mind with regards to design and execution? I would make sure the colors all match perfectly, the economy and proportions are consistent with the size of the wall. I think that the commissioners of the project need to get exactly what they've asked for

Monday, November 3, 2014

Movie Poster

Five recent movies:
Silver linings playbook
The Dark Knight Rises
12 Years a Slave
22 Jump Street

All time favorites:
Reservoir Dogs
V for Vendetta
Captain Philips
Lone Survivor

Poster Ideas:
Flight: Airplane/bottle
Reservoir Dogs: Men in different colored suits
Skyfall: Man with face messed up
Skyfall: two rats in a barrel

1 McDonald's
2 Ozzie Osbourne's glasses
3 Ghostbusters
4 The Incredibles Robin
5 Spiderman

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Digital Typeface

This digitally composed typeface, known as Floral Brush Sans, will be great for textural lettering and organic layouts.

Hand Drawn Typeface

Here we have our very organic, title-oriented hand draw type face, inspired by and named Paperclip. Enjoy.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

My Typeface

You are a prominent graphic designer, practicing at an influential design firm overseas.

Recently you were approached by a client who has asked YOU to design three prototype-typefaces. One digitally, one hand written, and one sculptural. (Only 3 sequential letters and 3 numbers need to be provided for each prototype)

In a response letter to your client, describe your plan of execution (materials, process, theme) for each typeface you will design.

Please respond in a post to your own blog.

Kk Ll Mm
1 2 3

Hello Mr. Client,

I'm excited to work with you on this project. I have some ideas in mind, and I'd like to share them with you.

For our digital font, I've been thinking about paperclips. Yes, that sounds odd, but when you see what I mean, you'll understand. This font will involve lots of straight lines and radial curves, and symmetry between letters. I think this font will work well for titles and advertising, but might be a little difficult to read as a text font. 

For our handwritten font, I'm bringing out the inner student in myself. My own handwriting, especially for essays and poems, has a very scripted and organic feel, and I think that might translate well into our collaboration.

For our sculptural font, I'd like to do something very natural and earthy, possibly using sticks or dirt. I think the potential hidden in making letters out of three dimensional shapes is unique and something we can very easily exploit.

Yours truly,

Graphic Designer



Thursday, September 4, 2014


I liked the video. My eyes were opened to how expansive Helvetica is as a font, and how versatile it is. I found that making a typeface is not an easy process, and that to make a good one, it requires a lot of work. I found that there are good looking typefaces, and bad looking typefaces, and Helvetica has become some kind of a standard as to how one looks, when compared to Helvetica. I learned about the ability to convey a message a typeface has, and how a good typeface can be a very bad conveyor of that message, even if it would convey a different message well. The idea of a typeface having so much influence over the piece of graphic design showed me that one must be very selective about what typeface they use and when they use it. 

I've found that personally, Helvetica is a bad font for large groups of words, such as a paragraph, but for a few words in an ad or album cover, it works very well. 

Thursday, August 28, 2014

1000 things

1 lacrosse stick
2 guy with flowing mane
3 Bob Marley with a lion's body
4 A grain smuggler
5 Coyotes feasting
6 An anteater train station
7 A scholarly lemon
8 A karate master kangaroo
9 A happy bayonet
10 a fashionable butterfly
11 A nomad shrimp
12 A hippy shark
13 The NF Altos
14 A carpenter werewolf
15 The devil playing hopscotch
16 Armed french fries
17 a coyote in bed
18 Grandpa asleep on a chair
19 A ram with a camera
20 A Mayan dandelion
21 An impostor pasta
22 Franklin Delano Rose-velt
23 Boat shoes
24 Santa Claws
25 Face book
26 L tigre
27 Stick figure
28 Little red riding hood

What is Graphic Design?

What is graphic design?

Graphic design is the manipulation of letters, numbers, colors, shapes and pictures to create a visually appealing images. This could include logos, fonts, change in color, change in orientation, and different shapes to create something attractive.

When I think graphic design, I think of Courthouse Square downtown. The building is entirely grey, white white trim, and black labels. It's very simple, and almost too plain, but it has just enough flavor in its simplicity to stand out from all the other buildings. I also think of G-Eazy's album covers and tour announcements, as he uses strictly simple typefaces and black and white writing to spread his own style. I usually think of repeating patterns and simplicity, like tessellating triangles or different colored squares.